Don’t Let Turkey Neck Get You Down This Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is almost upon us – and that means you’ll probably be spending your time around the table with loved ones, enjoying all the mashed potatoes, stuffing, and turkey you can handle.

But maybe you’re concerned with a different kind of turkey this holiday season. For many people, turkey neck – the colloquial name given to excessive fat underneath the chin – prevents them from fully enjoying the holidays. Instead of focusing on food, friends, and family, you might be thinking about your appearance, or dreading taking photos because you don’t like the appearance of your chin and neck.Don’t let turkey neck get you down this Thanksgiving. Discover Kybella injections for under chin fat at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX!

Kybella is an injectable treatment that’s FDA-approved to reduce submental fat tissue located underneath the chin. Kybella contains deoxycholic acid, a natural acid that eats away at fat cells located within the submental tissue. Once the acid eats away at the fat cells, the body’s metabolic processes remove the destroyed cell. Over time, the process results in a more streamlined and contoured appearance.

Most candidates will need about one to three Kybella injections to see ideal results. The injection takes less than 30 minutes to perform, making this an excellent lunchtime procedure. Side effects include mild swelling, redness at the injection site, and a mild burning sensation. Most candidates will see their results within six to eight weeks after their final Kybella injection.

The best candidates for this treatment have excellent skin laxity, as Kybella does not tighten skin. If you do have skin laxity issues, you may need to combine your Kybella treatment with a skin-tightening solution to show off your new profile.

Take the Next Step

It’s time to say goodbye to your turkey neck this holiday season. Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX today! (915) 351-1116.

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