How Much is a Mommy Makeover? 

While welcoming a new family member brings tremendous joy, you may not feel joyful about the changes that pregnancy and childbirth have caused to your body. A mommy makeover helps you reclaim your pre-baby body. A healthy lifestyle may help you get back to your previous shape, but sagging skin and some other problems can only be corrected with surgery. 

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Each mommy makeover follows a customized treatment plan developed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. A mommy makeover generally includes a tummy tuck and a breast lift or augmentation. It may also include a wide range of other procedures such as liposuction, facial procedures, and non-surgical treatments. The stresses of pregnancy and motherhood can take their toll on your face as well as your body.


How Much is a Mommy Makeover?

Because a mommy makeover can include many different procedures and treatments, so achieving an accurate estimate is difficult. If you have a typical mommy makeover, you can expect costs to range from $14,000 to $25,000. This will include anesthesia, medications, or related fees. Schedule a consultation and meet with your plastic surgeon to determine how much you can expect to pay. 

What Does a Mommy Makeover Include?

A mommy makeover can include almost anything that will help you restore your pre-baby body and confidence. Since pregnancy often causes loose skin, accumulated fat, and abdominal muscle separation, so a tummy tuck is a vital part of your mommy makeover. Breasts may sag and lose volume, so the procedure often includes breast augmentation, lift, or both. Your surgeon usually uses liposuction to help you achieve your desired contours and shape.

Request a Consultation

Start your journey toward natural-looking aesthetic enhancements by scheduling a consultation with one of the expert surgeons at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery. Fill out the consultation request form below and one of our team members will contact you shortly.

What is Recovery Like After a Mommy Makeover?

Recovery time varies depending on the procedures performed. You can expect some swelling and soreness, especially for the first few days, and you may need help with everyday tasks. Most people can resume light activities and return to work in one to three weeks. After this time, you can gradually add more activities as your plastic surgeon approves them. 

What Results Will I See With A Mommy Makeover?

As swelling begins to fade, you will see a flatter, tighter abdomen, more sculpted curves, and rejuvenated breasts. The results you see immediately after your procedure will change as you heal. You may need to wait three to six months before your swelling resolves, and you can see the full results of your mommy makeover. 

Am I a Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

If you have been pregnant and want to restore the body you had before, you might be a good candidate for a mommy makeover. Ideal candidates are in good health and do not smoke. You should wait six months to a year after giving birth to plan your procedure. If you plan to become pregnant in the future, we recommend that you wait to have your mommy makeover until afterward.

I had my procedure done with Dr. Sozer and I have to say, He is not only an amazing Doctor, but a great person! He is very patient and will answer all questions. The staff is also amazing. They take care of you very well. The entire process, from consult to aftercare is wonderful! Thank you Dr. Sozer and staff!!!! Would definitely recommend it!

*Individual results may vary.


Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about a mommy makeover for yourself? Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX today by calling or texting (915) 351-1116.

Disclaimer- Any price mentioned in blogs are indicative prices of the period the blogs were posted and not binding to our current pricing. Please call or text us for our current pricing.

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