Body Contouring After Weight Loss


Although significant weight loss is an admirable accomplishment, it can also have residual negative effects. Unsightly excess skin and fat pockets pose self-esteem issues and can prevent clothing from fitting properly. Many patients turn to plastic surgery after weight loss to achieve a more defined body contour.

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Treatment Planning

Your skin’s elasticity, the site and extent of excess skin, and your age all play a part in making decisions on body contouring procedures after weight loss. Many patients who have lost an enormous amount of weight undergo multiple surgeries to correct and enhance their appearance.

As a rule, your weight should be stable at your ideal level for up to one year. You should also be in good health, a non-smoker, and well-informed about realistic outcome expectations and possible risks of each treatment before moving forward with any plastic surgery procedures.

Treatment Options

There are several body contouring treatments that patients may benefit from after massive weight loss. A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is the first choice for most patients. A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen and tightens distended muscles. For patients with excess skin on the abdomen, buttocks, hips, and thighs, a more involved body lift procedure may be appropriate. This procedure address several areas at once to achieve a more comprehensive transformation.

Other common treatments after massive weight loss include breast lift or breast augmentation procedures to address sagging breasts or loss of breast volume, an arm lift to address loose skin along the upper arms, a thigh lift to correct sagging thigh skin, or even liposuction to remove stubborn fat pockets.

Take the Next Step

For more information about body contouring treatment options after massive weight loss, contact our El Paso cosmetic surgery center today to schedule a consultation.

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