Arm Lift Surgery

The arm lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is designed to improve the appearance of loose, sagging skin on the upper arms. This procedure can provide shapely contours so that patients can raise their arms with confidence and feel comfortable wearing short-sleeve clothing.

Armlift B-a El Paso


Over time, the skin on the arms can begin to droop and sag. This excess skin is caused by a number of factors, including significant weight loss and the normal aging process. Many men and women who undergo weight loss surgery are left with excess skin that hangs from the arms and other areas on the body. The normal aging process also causes skin to lose its elasticity. Arm lift surgery can help weight loss surgery patients complete their transformation. The arm lift can also help older men and women achieve smoother, firmer, and younger-looking arms.

Treatment Planning

Arm lift surgery is often performed with other cosmetic surgery procedures. Although some men and women do choose to undergo the arm lift procedure by itself, may patients choose to have other procedures performed at the same time as the arm lift. In many cases it is more convenient for the patient to have multiple procedures performed at one time instead of having two or three separate surgeries. The arm lift is often included as part of a full body lift surgery. This body contouring procedure is performed to remove excess skin wherever it is located on the body, including the arms and thighs.

Take the Next Step

If you are concerned about the appearance of loose, dropping skin on your upper arms, you may be a candidate for arm lift surgery. The first step in determining if this procedure is right for you is to schedule a consultation with an experienced cosmetic surgeon. The surgeon will review your needs and help develop a treatment plan to meet your goals.

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