Is There An Ideal Age for Eyelid Surgery?

Your eyes are often the first to show signs of aging. Dark, sagging eyelids can be an annoying problem for both men and women at any age. It’s easy to see why blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) is the third most common facial rejuvenation procedure requested. An Eyelid Lift can restore your natural beauty and a more youthful appearance.

What Is Eyelid Surgery?

An Eyelid Lift is a surgical procedure used to give you a younger, fresher-looking appearance. Eyelid Surgery tightens and removes excess skin either above or below the eye through the latest surgical techniques. Depending on the severity of your cosmetic condition, Dr. Sozer may also suggest the removal of extra fat or muscle as well.

The outpatient procedure can correct any or all of the following cosmetic issues;

  • Excess Skin
  • Puffy Eyelids
  • Bags Under Eyes
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles
  • Dark Circles
  • Droopiness

Generally, patients are able to go home the same day of their procedure. You may experience slight swelling or bruising directly after your eyelid surgery. Swelling should dissipate within 2-3 days post-surgery, while bruising may take several weeks to go away.

What Is The Ideal Age for Eyelid Surgery?

Because of the numerous factors that go into the appearance of your facial features, there is no ideal age for an Eyelid Lift. Aging isn’t the only reason that your eyes might look older in the mirror each day. Your eyes may appear more tired and saggy due simply to genetics or lifestyle habits such as smoking.

Any healthy man or woman who is showing surgical indicators may be a good candidate for Eyelid Surgery. It’s important to have a full evaluation done to determine if a surgical method is right for you.

Some patients opt for an Eyelid Lift as early as their mid-thirties while others wait until they’re much older. Although the majority of patients opt solely for Upper Eyelid Surgery, you can choose to get one, or both surgeries depending on your individual needs. Both upper and lower eyelid surgery can be done in the same procedure.

Upper eyelid surgery is a quick and easy facial rejuvenation procedure that removes excess skin to give you a brighter, more open look. If you have unsightly bags or dark circles under your eyes, you might want to consider a lower Eyelid Lift as well.

Most patients are happy with the dramatic results that come with an Eyelid Surgery. Often, the procedure only needs to be done once in a lifetime. However, maintenance surgeries are available down the line if you so choose.

An Eyelid Lift can be done in conjunction with other procedures to give you your desired results. During your in-office consultation, one of our doctors will walk you through all of your options.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about how Eyelid Surgery can make you appear younger? Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX today! (915) 351-1116 or simply by filling out the contact form on this page.

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