How Can I Remove Fat from My Flanks?

Do you have excess fat around your flanks? Are you trying to treat it with diet and exercise, but not getting anywhere? If that’s the case, you may want to learn more about one of the most effective ways to remove fat from your flanks: liposuction!

Liposuction for Fat Removal

When it comes to getting rid of fat around the flanks, liposuction still remains one of the best body contouring options. Liposuction can be used to directly target and contour flank fat, which is beneficial for patients who may not be able to directly lose this fat through diet and exercise.

So are you interested in undergoing liposuction procedure to remove fat from your flanks? Take a look at what you can expect from your surgical treatment.

What to Expect from Your Liposuction Procedure

Your surgery will be performed under general anesthesia, so you should have someone who will drive you back from your treatment. During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will use a cannula to manually break up and remove excess fat tissue in and around the flank area. Immediately after your treatment, your plastic surgeon may provide you with compression garments to help reduce post-op swelling and bruising.

Results from your liposuction procedure are usually visible about six to eight weeks after the operation. You should expect to take about a week off from work to recover from your liposuction procedure, as well as minimize intense physical activity for the first three to four weeks of recovery. Results can last for a long time, provided that candidates continue to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about how you can remove fat from your flanks with liposuction? Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX today! (915) 351-1116.

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