Does Abdominal Etching Look Fake?

Have you been leading a healthy lifestyle and working to build your abdominal muscles, but you still cannot see your desired six-pack? Abdominal etching uses precision liposuction to define and sculpt your abdominal muscles. It targets that hard-to-remove abdominal fat so your shapely six-pack becomes clearly visible. 

El Paso & Texas

What is Abdominal Etching? 

Abdominal etching is a procedure that enhances the appearance of the abdominal muscles. It creates shape and definition by removing fat. It is a type of liposculpture, a precision form of liposuction used to work in small areas to perform fine contouring and shaping. If you have worked hard to earn a sculpted abdomen but are not seeing it, abdominal etching can help. 

How Does Abdominal Etching Work?

During abdominal etching, your surgeon uses small incisions to insert a liposuction cannula. He uses this tool to remove small amounts of fat, creating more definition and a more toned appearance. The procedure takes place under general anesthesia. Your surgeon will precisely outline and highlight the abdominal muscles to achieve your desired results. The incisions are carefully hidden so they will be unnoticeable after healing. 

Request a Consultation

Start your journey toward natural-looking aesthetic enhancements by scheduling a consultation with one of the expert surgeons at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery. Fill out the consultation request form below and one of our team members will contact you shortly.

Does Abdominal Etching Look Fake?

Like any other plastic surgery procedure, abdominal etching looks as good as your surgeon’s skill and experience allow. When poorly performed, abdominal etching can look fake and overdone. Some surgeons remove too much fat, leaving the area looking overly thin. Others may create so much definition that it looks obviously artificial. 

When performed by the surgeons at El Paso Plastic Surgery, your abdominal etching is performed with an eye for subtle, natural-looking results. The results of this procedure should leave you with your desired definition and tone instead of a fake or artificial appearance. A skilled, experienced surgeon can produce results that look like you but enhanced. 

What is Recovery Like After Abdominal Etching?

You may experience soreness, swelling, and bruising for a few days after your procedure. Your surgical team will provide you with aftercare instructions. Most people can return to work within a week and resume their exercise routine after a few weeks. Your results will become more defined as the swelling resolves over the following weeks. 

Am I a Good Candidate Abdominal Etching?

Candidates for abdominal etching typically lead a healthy lifestyle and are looking for a way to achieve a higher level of body sculpting. Candidates with excess fat in the abdominal area often benefit from non-surgical fat removal like CoolSculpting®. Good candidates have no major health problems and reasonable expectations. You may not be a good candidate if you have significant excess fat in your abdominal area, although we can assist you with addressing this concern. 

El Paso Cosmetic Surgery is my ‘go to’. They provide excellent customer service. Everyone is very well versed in all the services offered. They are friendly and thorough. I love their VIP program and after being away for a few years, there was no questioning about returning to Dr. Sozer and his team.

*Individual results may vary.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about our abdominal etching for yourself? Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX, today by calling or texting (915) 351-1116.

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