How Can I Get Rid Of Cellulite Permanently?

Are you bothered by dimples, bumps, or an uneven appearance of the skin on your thighs, buttocks, or other areas? Cellulite is a common condition that leads to a characteristic “orange peel” appearance with dimples and uneven areas. Getting rid of cellulite is easier than ever with non-invasive treatment options that give you smooth, even skin. 

El Paso & Texas

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite tends to appear with age, often the result of thinning skin. Underneath the skin, a network of fibrous bands called septae can squeeze pockets of fat, causing them to bulge upward. They can also attach to the skin and pull it downward, leading to dimples. Cellulite is harmless, but treatment can improve your confidence if it bothers you. Cellulite can affect men and women, although women are affected much more often. Most adult women will experience some degree of cellulite as they age. 

How Can I Get Rid of Cellulite Permanently?

Getting rid of cellulite can be difficult. While many methods exist, most have significant drawbacks. Most store-bought treatments and devices provide little to no results. The most effective way to eliminate the appearance of cellulite is to tighten and firm your skin while making it thicker and smoother. As a result, the uneven appearance of cellulite becomes less visible without scars or recovery time. 

How Does TempSure® RF Cellulite Treatment Work?

Your El Paso Cosmetic Surgery team offers TempSure® RF cellulite treatment. This treatment uses RF (radiofrequency) energy that travels into the deeper layers of the skin, producing heat that triggers fibroblast cells to produce more collagen. This heat also contracts and tightens your skin’s collagen structure, making it firmer and more lifted. As your cells produce more collagen, your skin looks smoother and more youthful, removing the appearance of unwanted cellulite. 

Request a Consultation

Start your journey toward natural-looking aesthetic enhancements by scheduling a consultation with one of the expert surgeons at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery. Fill out the consultation request form below and one of our team members will contact you shortly.

Is There Any Downtime After TempSure® Cellulite Treatment?

TempSure® RF energy does not damage the skin, leading to a downtime-free treatment. You can return to your usual activities immediately. Treatment can take as little as five minutes per treatment area, making this a convenient “lunchtime treatment” that can fit into a quick break from work. Minor redness in the treated area will usually fade in less than an hour. 

How Many TempSure® RF Cellulite Treatments Will I Need?

You will need several TempSure® RF treatments to produce maximum tightening and cellulite development. Most people benefit from three to five sessions spaced a few weeks apart. You can start to see results a few weeks after starting treatment, with full results appearing about a month after your final session. Occasional maintenance treatments can keep your cellulite nearly invisible. 

Everyone here is very friendly and welcoming! My experience has always been great. Melissa went into detailed about my procedure what to expect before and after. Highly recommend Melissa for any injections!

*Individual results may vary.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about our cellulite removal for yourself? Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX, today by calling or texting (915) 351-1116.

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