How Does Eyebrow Restoration Work?

Your eyebrows help define and frame your features and play a vital role in communication. If you have thin or sparse brows, eyebrow restoration can make them fuller and thicker. This procedure uses the same advanced technique used for scalp hair restoration to provide natural, long-lasting results. 

What is Eyebrow Restoration?

Eyebrow restoration is also known as an eyebrow hair transplant. At El Paso Cosmetic Surgery, thin or thinning eyebrow hair is treated the same way we treat thinning hair on your scalp. This method uses hair from your scalp to rejuvenate your brows. Eyebrow restoration lets you style your brows however you want and feel confident about your appearance. 

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How Does Eyebrow Restoration Work?

An eyebrow hair transplant uses a technology called follicular unit extraction (FUE). We use the NeoGraft® system, an advanced type of FUE that provides maximum results. During FUE, NeoGraft® takes small grafts from your scalp. Each of these will contain a few hair follicles. These follicles are cleaned and prepared before being placed into a new location in your eyebrows. 

Because NeoGraft® collects and processes follicles for maximum success, your hair follicles will establish themselves and begin to grow new hairs. The hairs from this eyebrow transplant will fill in and thicken your brows. Unlike older forms of hair transplantation, FUE creates natural-looking results. Each graft is placed at an angle and distance from other hairs, making it look like it belongs there. 

Is There Any Downtime After an Eyebrow Hair Transplant?

You may have some minor soreness around your eyebrows and the areas of the scalp where the grafts came from. This typically resolves within a few days. Some people may notice small scabs or minor swelling. Most people feel comfortable returning to work and other activities within a day or two. Avoid using harsh products or scrubs on your face or scalp for the first few days. 

Request a Consultation

Start your journey toward natural-looking aesthetic enhancements by scheduling a consultation with one of the expert surgeons at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery. Fill out the consultation request form below and one of our team members will contact you shortly.

What Results Will I See After an Eyebrow Transplant?

You may notice that many of your transplanted hairs fall out after the procedure. These follicles will start growing new hair within a few weeks to months. Your full results will usually become visible after about four months. These hairs come from your scalp and will continue to grow like those hairs, so you will be able to trim them to the ideal length for you. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Eyebrow Restoration?

Most people with thin or thinning brows make good candidates for eyebrow restoration. Candidates should be in good health and have reasonable expectations. You must also have areas of healthy hair growth to take grafts from. You may also be a good candidate if you have lost part or all of your brows due to injury or a medical condition. Only a consultation can determine whether you are a candidate for an eyebrow transplant. 

I had my procedure done with Dr. Sozer and I have to say, He is not only an amazing Doctor, but a great person! He is very patient and will answer all questions. The staff is also amazing. They take care of you very well. The entire process, from consult to aftercare is wonderful! Thank you Dr. Sozer and staff!!!! Would definitely recommend it!

*Individual results may vary.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about our eyebrow restoration for yourself? Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX, today by calling or texting (915) 351-1116.

Disclaimer- Any price mentioned in blogs are indicative prices of the period the blogs were posted and not binding to our current pricing. Please call or text us for our current pricing.

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