How Much Does a Rhinoplasty Cost?

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that reshapes the nose, sometimes for functional purposes, and also for cosmetics. Sometimes called a nose job, rhinoplasty changes the look of the nose to alter the facial features, create balance, and increase confidence.

About Rhinoplasty Procedures

Rhinoplasty can be carried out for aesthetic reasons or to improve the function of the nose. Some people choose to combine rhinoplasty with procedures to fix medical issues, such as a septoplasty, which repairs a deviated nasal septum. When patients have rhinoplasty, they can go home on the same day, although it is possible to stay overnight at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery if necessary. Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia, meaning that you are asleep when the surgery is carried out.

You might choose to have rhinoplasty if you feel that your nose is too big, has a bump or is asymmetrical, or you don’t like the shape. Like any surgery, there are risks to rhinoplasty that need to be taken into account. These risks aren’t common, but it’s still important to consult with a doctor about any potential complications.

There will be some swelling, but it will soon start to heal, and the results of the surgery will be visible. Bruising usually heals within a couple of weeks, although swelling can last longer. You can go back to doing physical activities after a month, although it’s important to be careful to avoid anything where the nose could be injured.

How Much Is a Rhinoplasty?

The cost of a rhinoplasty depends on a number of factors. Your needs affect the cost, and so do external costs such as the surgical center and the cost of the anesthesia. The cost of rhinoplasty starts at around $7,000, to give you some idea of what you might pay. A consultation and evaluation will enable you to get a more accurate idea of what you will pay for rhinoplasty. Your doctor needs to know what you want and carry out an examination to provide you with an exact figure.

Am I a Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty helps to provide a range of results to meet your aesthetic needs. Patients who are at least 15 years old are eligible for rhinoplasty with El Paso Cosmetic Surgery, although if you are under the age of 18, parental permission is required for a rhinoplasty procedure. It’s also necessary to be in generally good health for surgery and anesthesia. Any risks associated with rhinoplasty and surgery, in general, can be mitigated by consulting with a doctor to see if you are a suitable candidate. You might be a good candidate for rhinoplasty if you want to change the size or shape of your nose for any reason. Rhinoplasty can deliver the results that you are looking for, and the procedure is carried out as outpatient surgery, allowing you to go home on the same day.

I can not say how happy I am with my rhinoplasty Dr. Sozer & staff was very helpful any question I had they answered & made me feel at ease… Dr. Sozer had awesome bedside manner made me feel very comfortable… when I finally had my splints removed I cried seeing my new nose I couldn’t help but to give him a hug… I luv my new nose.. again thank you Dr. Sozer & staff.. I definitely would recommend El Paso cosmetic surgery to everyone…

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about rhinoplasty? Schedule a consultation at El Paso Cosmetic Surgery in El Paso, TX today! (915) 351-1116.

Disclaimer- Any price mentioned in blogs are indicative prices of the period the blogs were posted and not binding to our current pricing. Please call or text us for our current pricing.

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